Friday, June 18, 2010

All our bags are packed.

Cornhole bags that is! Who's ready for a tournament?? Well, we are and tomorrow is quickly approaching. It's like today is Christmas Eve and a big party is planned for Christmas Day! So excited to see all the shining faces, eyebrow raises, and squinted eye, lip curling stare downs as the big face offs begin tomorrow. It's not the Stanley Cup or NBA Championship, but the winner's trophy in this event is far more valuable...just wait and see.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Making our list and checking it twice....

we like you all whether you're naughty or nice. Orders, donations, and raffle prizes are continuing to filter in and bring huge smiles to our faces! Everything is actually coming together as we had planned. We are getting very antsy for the bag throwing, heckling, and good times to begin. Thank you again for all of the support and let's keep this rhythm up!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lessons Shmessons.

We Cornhole Chicas are learning some serious lessons today - creeping deadlines, hidden fees, out-of-state woes, photoshop jargon, email pitfalls, communication barriers, and so on. What we don't already know, we are learning (or making up) on the fly! That's the fun thing about stumbling a little, there's always a chance to redeem yourself again as chalk it up to 'lessons learned.' Only 5 more days to encounter pre-tourney lessons, then comes the debrief!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Thank you for taking the time.

I was stopped by two ladies today that were from out of town that needed help finding the Metra train. I wasn't 100% sure of the entrance, but had a pretty good idea. So, I took a moment to cross the street with them to point them in the right direction. When they walked away, they said "thank you for taking the time to help us." As I biked home, their words kept resonating in my mind. It is kind of silly, but their simply phrase hit my heart in just the right spot. To all of those who are coming out to play, buying raffle tickets, donating items, spreading the word, bringing their friends out, sending an email to say 'wish I could be there', following our blog & facebook page, etc...all we can say is "thank you for taking the time". Small words with big meaning. See you in KC in exactly 2 weeks from today.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Happy Memorial Day

We hope everyone is enjoying the nice weather with family and friends for the official kick off to summer and BBQ season! If you have a cornhole set, this is the perfect time to set up and loosen the joints in the 'ol arm and shoulder in preparation for the tournament. Maybe you can try some strengthening exercises for your throwing arm with some beer or pop cans...just an idea :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tick Tock Tick Tock

Time is quickly flying by as the tourney date nears. Not going to lie - we are a bit nervous. There are so many things to do and we anxiously await more people to sign up. We are going to be posting some videos in the near future of us playing cornhole to demonstrate how easy & fun the game can be. If you have ever seen a video we have know there should be some comic relief, we can't help but be goofy sometimes!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Game On.

We have now have two teams signed up for the cornhole tournament! This is so exciting for us and it means that we have amazing friends and family that want to support the cause as well. The count down until bag time continues. Keep signing up so we can jump for joy with each entry, literally. :)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

FB v. Blog

Alright, we put the not so subliminal hint out there to find our blog. Yay, you did it :) Now, follow us and share some comments. High fives go out to the first five people who comment on our blog! Anyone after that, we defer to a simple handshake - sorry, that's the breaks.

Man, we native Kansasans who now live in Chicago and work at the same office with a funny name sure are demanding! That's some serious double trouble I'm not sure you want to mess with....

Keep checking back, we can ramble forever about exciting challenges and accomplishments to launch this tourney.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Look below, we have a registration flyer available for print. Good thing our services are billable Photoshop rate would be too high for any sane person :) Pay no attention to the other 'related' documents which appear in the sidebar, only one page (registration flyer) will print when you choose to do so. There are options to pay online as well - stay tuned for that link, Suzanne is cranking away and will have great stuff to share very, very soon.

Registration Flyer