Thursday, April 29, 2010

Game On.

We have now have two teams signed up for the cornhole tournament! This is so exciting for us and it means that we have amazing friends and family that want to support the cause as well. The count down until bag time continues. Keep signing up so we can jump for joy with each entry, literally. :)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

FB v. Blog

Alright, we put the not so subliminal hint out there to find our blog. Yay, you did it :) Now, follow us and share some comments. High fives go out to the first five people who comment on our blog! Anyone after that, we defer to a simple handshake - sorry, that's the breaks.

Man, we native Kansasans who now live in Chicago and work at the same office with a funny name sure are demanding! That's some serious double trouble I'm not sure you want to mess with....

Keep checking back, we can ramble forever about exciting challenges and accomplishments to launch this tourney.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Look below, we have a registration flyer available for print. Good thing our services are billable Photoshop rate would be too high for any sane person :) Pay no attention to the other 'related' documents which appear in the sidebar, only one page (registration flyer) will print when you choose to do so. There are options to pay online as well - stay tuned for that link, Suzanne is cranking away and will have great stuff to share very, very soon.

Registration Flyer

Technology, whew.

We spent the day trying to figure out how to set up our Facebook page correctly and during this experiment, we learned we aren't quite the savviest when it comes to technology. Seriously, how did people spread the word about their event pre-Facebook, Blogspot, Twitter, MySpace, email, etc...?! Don't worry, there won't be a Twitter account forthcoming, I'm not sure there's enough keyboard tapping and patience for us to figure it out. To become a fan of ours on Facebook, please remember to choose the page with a logo and says the word 'game' beneath 'Cornhole for Crohn's and Colitis'. We look forward to sharing more of our speed bumps as we near success!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


With the great help from a friend at KJane Designs (, we now officially have a logo to brand this event! We were lost in determining exactly what we were looking for, but Kendra guided us to aim for the goal, well, in this case 'Aim for the Hole'! The game with a dirty name, now has a dirty slogan, but we're missing Hulk Hogan...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Mark Your Calendars!

With a blog set up, a location close to being established, and two determined girls behind the wheel, the Cornhole for Crohn's & Colitis fundraiser is officially under way! The date has been set for Saturday, June 19, 2010. Mark your calendars!

Please keep checking back to learn about event progress and updates. We hope all will be able to participate in this exciting endeavor with us.

Cornhole Chicas